
Welcome to your new Web Site

Your new web hosting account has been created and is ready to be used

The page that you are viewing right now is the "index.html" file located in your /www/ directory
You should replace it with your own "index.html" file
This will be your Website's main or default page

Log in to the cPanel interface to start managing your site

Through the Site Administrator interface you can:

• Manage your site's user accounts

• Set up your site's email services

• Check you email online with Horde or Roundcube

• Use the online FTP Manager for uploading your files

• Use the online File Manager for editing or making new web pages

• Manage Sub Domains

• Manage MySQL Databases

• And many other options

After you log in, be sure to visit the online "Documentation" guide
Or RSH Web online Cpanel Tutorials and How To Guides

For further information, questions or comments please contact RSH Web Services